Light, it shuts out darkness. It can be blaring in the morning when you wake up. It can be invigorating from the sun. Lights can be dimmed to set a calming ambiance or can be shone to set the tone for an atmosphere. It can be used in x-rays to see inside the body. It can be used in the elements in appliances to cook with. Light on a button can indicate if a device is powered on or not. Light can also be in you. It is the light given from the source of knowing Jesus Christ, the light that shines His love.
And then there is the spotlight. This light is not necessary one on a stage. It is a moment. It is the trust people have in you. It is the integrity they see in you. It is them looking to you for counsel, for answers and for an example. Many want to rush to get in the light, but we must become it first. That way, when the light shines, they will see that the light within is not fabricated but given by the Holy Spirit. It is a privilege to carry the light, and it is a responsibility to be in the light. Night moments will come, but the morning light will show up soon. You are a light to someone. And for many of you reading this, the light is on you in this moment to shine the way of Truth. Do so with integrity, humility, and grace.
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Anger is a primary emotion. It is one that all of us feels. The Bible tell us to be angry but sin not (Ephesians 4:26). The problem with uncontrolled anger is that it has the potential to turn us into another person if we allow it. Anger can cause irrational decision-making as well.
The point of this blog is to point out that unresolved trauma can cause anger, and it can cause us to be upset with the wrong person. For those who have experienced abuse of any kind, have you found yourself taking the abuse from the abuser but turn around and be upset with an innocent person who had nothing to do with the situation? Have you ever blamed someone for your own decisions and self-inflicted wounds? Have you taken a bad day out on your spouse or close friend? You are angry at the wrong person. Having anger is natural but knowing what to do with that anger is spiritual. We need the Holy Spirit to help us release the anger we feel in the right place, His Presence. We need His wisdom on how to resolve and handle conflict. And we also need His grace and boldness to apologize to those we wrongfully accused, blamed, and became distant. They are not the enemy; the devil is the enemy. Take your anger out on him, not those who have nothing to do with the pain that was caused. Ephesians 5:15-17 (AMP) “Look carefully then how you walk! Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), 16 Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be vague and thoughtless and foolish, but understanding and firmly grasping what the will of the Lord is.”
Parents, have you ever given your children money and they squander it quickly on frivolous things? How did it make you feel? Of course you did not expect them to invest it in stocks and bonds, but you also did not expect it to go away so quickly. The key to managing money is stewarding value. It is not just about how much something costs; it is about the value it brings. Time is a gift. Though we do not always treat it as that, God gave us time. But it is up to us to steward it wisely. We do not always use it correctly. We spend it on actions that do not produce fruit like spending hours on social media, allowing the commentary of others to infiltrate our decisions, causing us to get upset, or comparing ourselves to others. And we somehow convinced ourselves that we are too busy to pray though we have time to invest junk in our souls. In the Scripture above, foolish people live life with no aim, no target, no goal. They live as though there is no life after this. But wise people live intentionally. They live purposefully by asking God what His will for their lives is, and they build their plans and schedules around His will. How are you investing your time? Do you invest daily meaningful prayer time with your Father? Have you spent years being upset, holding grudges, and waiting for people to apologize when there is a possibility you may not get it? Jesus is soon to return. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to help us live this gift of time purposefully so we can firmly grasp what the will of the Lord is. Contrary to belief, Christ followers do not walk through the tulips of life every day. There will be ups and downs. There will be challenges. There will be moments where we hear the Holy Spirit, and there will be moments where we will not hear anything.
And just because we do not hear anything in those moments does not mean our relationship with God is not strong or that our hearts are filled with sin. It just means that we must have faith in the wait. Some question their prayer life if they do not hear anything specific in prayer every day. Let us not put ourselves under so much pressure. Sometimes, being in His Presence and allowing His peace to consume our hearts is Word enough. And let us not try to force a Word or make up something God did not say when we are experiencing moments like this. There is nothing worse than the effects of creating something that is not endorsed by God, writing a song He did not sing over us, preaching a sermon He did not speak, and prophesying a Word He did not say. In the Bible, David, who was a man after God’s own heart, dealt with silent moments in His relationship with God. Psalm 28:1-2 (KJV) says, “unto thee will I cry, O Lord my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit. 2 Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle." I challenge you to wait until you hear Him. Do not move ahead of Him. Do not try to create something because it seems He is taking too long. If someone asks you are you hearing anything, and you’re not, simply say, “no,” because it’s far more integral to tell the truth and be honest than it is to lie on the Holy Spirit in an effort to prove something to people. Wait on Him. He will come through. |
I love to journal my thoughts I receive in prayer. "Chronicles" is my journey I'm sharing with you. Archives
December 2022