Another word for “herd” is “crowd.” Society has a way of trying to influence us to be like itself, to sound and dress like it, and to even think that success is defined by it. Honestly, success for the Christ follower, is seeing Jesus. It’s hearing Him say, “well done, good and faithful servant.”
The natural part of us likes to follow crowds because it feels better to us. We don’t like sticking out and causing a riff, so we go with the flow. But sometimes the flow leads to destruction. “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matthew 7:13-14 KJV). This is a very sobering and strong Scripture. Let’s not live anesthetized and sedated by the culture of this world that we become loose in morals, values and beliefs that glorify Jesus Christ. Just because many are doing things that are against God’s Word doesn’t give us permission to do so. We are to be salt and light in the world. And no, this doesn’t give us permission to bash, belittle, or scare people into doing God’s will. Our life must be a witness. Let us live lives that are led by the Holy Spirit.
The healthier we are, the healthier our ministry will be. People get a better us when we are whole. Our relationships thrive when we understand and walk in who we are called to be.
I just wanted to encourage you today to let you know that you are enough. If you removed your gifts and everything you believe makes you special, God already saw you as priceless. He deemed you worthy of His Son, Jesus Christ. The challenge comes when we don’t feel like we measure up, when we don’t feel like we’re good enough. Many times we feel like we have to prove to people because we don’t think they take us seriously. But God will not supply us with what will not be needed by someone else. We have been given something that someone else needs. Let’s receive that by faith. We don’t have to prove; just be. Remember, we’re not human doings; we’re human beings. “For in him we live, and move, and have our being.” Acts 17:28a |
I love to journal my thoughts I receive in prayer. "Chronicles" is my journey I'm sharing with you. Archives
December 2022